Somapura Mahavihara - Paharpur

Somapura Mahavihara - Paharpur Tourist Information, RAJSHAHI

Somapura Mahavihara was one among the first observed Buddhist devout foundations of old geographic region. The uncovered religious progressed at paharpur has been known with the Somapura Mahavihara built continuously Pala lord dharmapala (c 781-821 AD). Some earth seals from the remains bear the engraving Shri-Somapure-Shri-Dharmapaladeva-Mahavihariyarya-bhiksu-sangghasya. Taranatha and distinctive Tibetan sources notice that devapala designed it once his victory of varendra. apparently what Dharmapala embraced may have gotten last little details all through the rule of his replacement Devapala. The Pala rulers were passionate Buddhists and that they based assortment of religious communities all through their developing realm. various them became pleasant focuses of learning and their name rapidly unfurl all through the length and expansiveness of Asia. Somapura Mahavihara's closed relationship with the decision phratry quiet that it shared the political high points and low points of its sponsors. 

The Paharpur column engraving of the fifth regnal year of Mahendrapala, found inside the remains of the most sanctuary, records the name of Bhiksu Ajayagarbha. Mahendrapala of this engraving must be known with the ruler of indistinguishable name, whose as of late found jagjivanpur copperplate has place it totally that he had a place with the pala phratry, child and replacement of Devapala. in this way it's demonstrated that Mahendrapala proceeded with support to the current strict habitation. The strict living arrangement was fixed and reestablished all through the rule of mahipala I (c 995-1043 AD), and it's recorded inside the Tibetan work, Pag surface-to-air rocket Jon Zang that indistinguishable ruler acclimated visit Somapura Vihara to flexibly his respect to that. 

The strict living arrangement thrived till the eleventh century AD once it had been wrecked by hearth all through partner attack by a vangala armed force, probably the military of the Varman leaders of vanga. this can be recorded inside the Nalanda engraving of Vipulashrimitra, any place it's conjointly recorded that Karunashrimitra, connection of Vipulasrimitra, lost his life inside the hearth as he would not leave the strict home. two or after three century Vipulasrimitra repaired the past wonder of the Vihara through remodel work and by building a sanctuary of Tara. when the remodel the brilliance of the sanctuary is implied by the articulation jagatang netraika vishrama bhuh (a solitary gala to the eyes of the world). 

It looks that the presence of the Karnatadeshatagata Brahmaksatriya Senas inside the last 50% of the twelfth century denoted the beginning of the tip of the Buddhist strict living arrangement. Somapura Mahavihara a little bit at a time declined and was at long last deserted all through the thirteenth century, when the domain came underneath Muslim occupation. 

Tibetan works record the wonder of Somapura Mahavihara. a few Tibetan priests visited the strict habitation all through the sum among ninth and twelfth century AD. atish dipankar srijnan remained here for quite a long while and made an interpretation of the Madhyamaka Ratnapradipa into Tibetan. His strict educator, Ratnakara Shanti was the sthavira of the vihara. Mahapanditacharya Bodhibhadra was an inhabitant priest of this vihara. a wide range of understudies like Kalamahapada, Viryendra and Karunashrimitra went through somewhere in the range of a piece of their lives at this strict living arrangement.

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