
Shat Gambuj Mosque

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Shat Gambuj Mosque

A portion of the models of East Pakistan that are applauded and acknowledged wherever the planet, stomach muscle initio have Shat Gambuj mosques. The ongoing eminence of very 5 centuries, that is concerning one and a 0.5 kilometers west of its dargah, is an extraordinary plan made by Hazrat Khan Jahan (R). 

This place of petition was planned next to a sweet water lake called Thakur Dighi in Bagerhat region. it's idea of to be one in everything about most established mosques in East Pakistan. it's portrayed on the pages of history, "Authentic place of supplication that speaks to the Golden Age of Muslim Bengal". 

Shatgumbad place of petition has involved an uncommon spot inside the medieval part of information exchange part of information procedures and planting on the red-consumed soil. in spite of the fact that it's called Shatgumbad place of supplication, anyway surely, with four vaults on the four-cornered pinnacle, it's seventy four arch and there ar eighty one arch with seven Chauchala vault, practically like the middle line of Bengali rice. 

Pooed Gambuj Mosque, Bagerhat 

It is eminently noticed that Chauchala rooftop and arch of its petition territory ar planned on blocks upheld by blocks and stones of sixty 3D shapes. it's by law far-acclaimed that Hazrat Khan Jahan (R) glided all the stones for the advancement of the Shatgumbad place of supplication in urban focus, on the contrary feature, from the rajmahal of region in Asian country, by his inexplicable force, coasted by the sea. The structure of the structure is portrayed by the exceptional impact of Tughlaq plan. The mass of this huge place of supplication is eight feet wide and has four minarets in its four corners. the most noteworthy of the pinnacle at the most elevated of the pinnacle is that the Roshnai kuthi and furthermore the steps paving the way to the strict living arrangement. 

The place of petition is framed of little blocks, its length is a hundred and sixty feet, measurement is 108 feet, stature twenty two feet. before of the place of petition there's an outsized curve and there ar 5 little curves on its sides. On the western feature of the place of supplication, there ar twenty six entryways with an entryway adjacent to principle Mehrab. The archaeologic and vault branch of the govt has assumed responsibility for this noteworthy place of supplication and furthermore the altar of Khanjahan (R) to safeguard it as a legacy. The UNESCO place of petition is encased inside the World Heritage List. 

Crapped Gambuj Mosque, Bagerhat 

Step by step instructions to travel: 

There ar 2 totally various courses to go from Bagerhat to national capital. One is that the Gabtali of national capital - Khurna Bagerhat by scavenging the Ericha Ferry crossing. the inverse is Gulistan/Sayedabad and Mawa Ferry/Launch crossing at Bagerhat. twin vehicle from Gulistan. Bagerhat transport stand straightforwardly through Mawa. The lease is concerning Rs 370. Falguni transport from Saidabad. Lease resembles 400 greenbacks. Sakura Transportation and Horizontal Transportation from Gabtoli. Lease 500-550 Bangladeshi money related unit 

Pooed Gambuj Mosque, Bagerhat 

Acclaimed nourishments: 

shifted flavorful curry plans ar prepared with coconut in Bagerhat, they're acclaimed for style. Plus, Bagerhat is also popular for shrimp. differed shrimp plans is found for food. 

Notwithstanding the Shat-Gambuj place of petition, there ar a few mosques in Bagerhat like the Domboy place of supplication, Singra place of petition, Khan Jahan Ali's holy place, Bagerhat vault and so on.

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